
 童年和青春期是学习、发展和探索的时期. 它们也很难独自导航. Whether a child is facing 学术 challenges, 社会压力, 或者家里的麻烦, they often need an adult they can safely turn to. Sometimes a school teacher or educator isn't enough.

这就是学校辅导员可以提供帮助的地方. 专业的学校辅导员为学生提供广泛的支持服务, including individual counseling and a comprehensive school counseling program across the entire campus.

如果你喜欢帮助别人, 成为一名学校辅导员 这是一个有益的职业选择吗. 专业的学校咨询侧重于学生的成就和职业建议. You'll have ample opportunities to make a meaningful difference in children's lives, 提高他们的社交技能, 推动学业成功, to helping them setting up their career goals. 反过来, you can make the tumultuous years of growing up a little bit easier for the students in any school setting.



A school counselor is a licensed counselor that works in educational environments. A professional school counselor has an in-depth understanding of human development and counseling techniques. The purpose of school counseling is to support the entire student body’s well-being and overall success.1 

School counselors help students in all areas of their lives, 包括社会, 个人, 学术, and career readiness through a counseling program. 他们以关怀和耐心的态度解决学生的需求.2 Some school counselors may have a background in 学校心理咨询中的ed 或任何相关领域, 也可能针对有特殊需要的孩子进行特殊教育培训, 独特的文化背景, 或者艰难的家庭生活.



  • 个别咨询
  • 团体咨询
  • 全校范围的项目组织
  • 学生评估
  • 职业咨询
  • 与家长会面
  • Referrals to other mental health professionals


While school counselors have a wide range of responsibilities, they don't do it all on their own. They work in close conjunction with teachers, 父母, the school administrator and other school staff. 通过这种合作,儿童可以得到综合支持.


One of the primary functions of being a school counselor is meeting with students one-on-one and listening to their concerns with empathy.3 After hearing them out, counselors then may provide:

  • 学术支持
  • 情感支持
  • 解决问题的指导
  • 关于驾驭社会动态的建议
  • 冲突的中介
  • 职业咨询
  • 大学申请协助

除了这些服务, 专业的学校辅导员可以组织和促进许多大型项目, 如:

  • 同伴咨询培训项目 -学校辅导员通常没有时间一对一地看每个学生. 同伴咨询项目拓宽了咨询服务的可用性. 同伴辅导员为他们的同学提供咨询服务. As the school counselor, you train these student counselors and guide them along the way. 
  • 学术委员会 -由于学校辅导员对学生学业经历的洞察, 他们努力帮助学术委员会改善学校的学习条件. They may offer suggestions on ways to enhance learning outcomes for kids who are struggling 学术ally. 
  • 职业能力倾向测验 – 职业能力倾向测验 analyzes students’ 个人ities, preferences, and strengths. 测试结果根据这些信息提供了可能的职业道路. 通过组织能力倾向测试, school counselors help college-ready students determine which careers align with their natural abilities. 
  • 预防毒品和酒精 – Some high schools hold annual school-wide programs to teach students about the dangers of substance use. As a school counselor, you may play a large part in organizing these types of events.

这些只是学校辅导员可能参与的一些项目. The full range of programs will vary from school to school.



不像精神科医生或心理学家, 学校辅导员不能诊断学生或开处方. 因此, if a school counselor suspects a child has a learning disability or mental health concern, 他们可以向学生家长推荐适当的资源. 


Every student faces a unique set of challenges. 你永远不知道一个孩子正在经历什么,直到你和他们说话. 反过来, 学校辅导员必须善于发现问题的迹象, even if students are not explicitly forthcoming about them. 


  • 学术问题 -很多学生在学习落后时会寻求心理咨询. 对于长期表现不佳的学生, 学校辅导员可以测试他们,看看他们是否有学习障碍. 然而, 如果没有学习障碍, troubles to their 学术 success may indicate something deeper, 喜欢欺负, 家庭虐待, 或抑郁.4
  • 欺凌 – Unfortunately, kids and teens can be cruel to each other. 对于遭受欺凌的学生来说,上学的日子就像是每天的战斗. 此外, 有了社交媒体, bullying often follows students to their homes, 没有给他们喘息的机会. A school guidance counselor can give support to bullying victims and help them navigate the situation, bringing in disciplinary help when necessary.5
  • 家庭问题 -随着孩子的成长,家庭问题会严重影响他们的健康. These include divorce, death, financial hardship, and abuse. If a student is going through any of these situations, 学校的指导顾问可以让他们感觉到他们并不孤单. 一个客观的, empathetic adult outside the family can provide solidarity to kids going through these tough experiences.社会问题 - From being the new kid to dealing with popularity-based cliques, it can be hard to find your place at school. Students can greatly benefit from a listening ear, 深思熟虑的建议, 潜在的一些冲突调解.6 
  • 社会问题 -从新人到处理以人气为基础的小团体, it can be hard to find your place at school. Students can greatly benefit from a listening ear, 深思熟虑的建议, 潜在的一些冲突调解. 
  • 药物滥用 – While schools strive to eliminate drug and alcohol use, some students inevitably still partake. 青少年尤其容易受到影响. If a student’s substance use is harming them, a school counselor can match them with the appropriate resources.7 
  • 毕业的焦虑 随着毕业的临近,大龄学生常常对未来感到焦虑. They may fear moving away from home, going to college, or becoming financially independent. 作为指导顾问, these professionals can guide students through these feelings and provide insight into what the future holds.

如你所见, school guidance counselors can offer invaluable support to kids who often have no one else to turn to. 通过成为一个, you will have the opportunity to act as an important advocate for the children in your community. 

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What Age Group Do School Counselors Work With?

School counselors work with kids of all ages, ranging from kindergartners to high school seniors. School counselors work at elementary schools, 中学, 或者高中, 让他们可以选择为他们喜欢的年龄段的学生提供咨询.8 


小学包括五到十岁的孩子. During this stage, children develop at a rapid pace. They begin learning foundational skills to succeed 学术ally, emotionally, and socially. 

做一个有能力的人 小学辅导员,你必须对孩子的这一发展阶段有透彻的了解. 这种方式, you’ll be able to identify potential learning disabilities and behavioral problems that need additional attention. 

和小孩子一起工作需要耐心、创造力和冷静的态度. If you have these traits, elementary school counseling can be an enriching experience.


High school students face a unique set of challenges as they transition into adulthood. 他们开始与父母区别开来,追求独立. They can care deeply about their relationships with their peers. Technology and social media play a complex role in how they communicate with each other. 

Here are some important areas you’ll focus on as a 高中辅导员

  • 来自同辈的压力 – Teenagers can be highly influenced by their peers. 处理同辈压力可能很困难. 在这段时间里,客观、成熟的观点会大有裨益. 
  • 性,毒品和酒精 – High schoolers are often introduced to sex, drugs, and alcohol for the first time. It can be hard for them to balance the peer pressure with their own values and make safe decisions. With proper guidance and education, they’ll be more empowered to make responsible choices. 
  • 学业压力加大 – With college applications looming, stakes are high for students’ 学术 performance. 因此,许多高中生被课业压得喘不过气来. Having someone to talk to can help them gain perspective. 
  • 大学beat365手机版官方网站 – Leaving home for the first time and venturing off to college can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing. Many students need help with their college applications, 而另一些人则为即将到来的生活变化寻求情感支持. 
  • 职业准备和发展 – Finding the right career path is hard at any age. 即将毕业的大四学生可能想和别人讨论一下他们的选择. School counselors can review a student’s ideas and interests, 以及组织招聘会,让学生接触不同的职业. 


No matter which age group you decide to work with, 专业的学校咨询是一项非常有成就感的职业. 你可以看着你的学生在社交、情感和学术上成长.9 

实证研究 表明学校辅导:

  • 改善学习和行为结果
  • 促进更高的学术成就
  • 减少AP课程中的种族差异
  • 提高大学决策能力
  • Increases students’ knowledge of potential occupations 

If helping students is fulfilling and you want to contribute to these meaningful outcomes, 成为一名学校辅导员 is a great way to do so.


成为一名学校辅导员, you need to earn your master’s degree in counseling from an accredited university. 一旦你拿到学位, you can pursue the appropriate state certifications and receive your official counseling license.

阿连特国际大学 提供认证, 实习培训, and small classes so you get a top-notch counseling education. 看看 阿连特国际大学’s graduate psychology programs 今天. 



  1. 团队,GoodTherapy编辑. “学校咨询.” School Guidance Counselors: How They Help Students. GoodTherapy. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/modes/school-counseling…;
  2. “Asca Ethical Standards for School Counselors.” ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors - American School Counselor Association (ASCA). 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.schoolcounselor.org/关于-School-Counseling/Ethical-Legal-R…;
  3. “Counseling / the Benefits of School Counseling Services.” Counseling / 学校咨询的好处 Services. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.bcbe.org/Page/14433.&盼;
  4. 团队,GoodTherapy编辑. 常见的学术问题.“GoodTherapy. GoodTherapy. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/学术-concern…;
  5. 玛丽·加文., ed. “Dealing with 欺凌 (for Teens) - Nemours Kidshealth.“KidsHealth. 内穆尔基金会,2019年2月. http://kidshealth.org/en/teens/bullies.html.&盼;
  6. BA, Al Ubaidi. 《在不正常家庭中成长的代价.克林姆国际图书馆. clinmed期刊. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jfmdp/journal-of-family-medicine-a…;
  7. “The School Counselor's Role in Substance Abuse Prevention.” The School Counselor's Role in Substance Abuse Prevention - American School Counselor Association (ASCA). 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.schoolcounselor.org/新闻letters/April-2019/The-School-Couns…;
  8. 《如何成为一名学校辅导员.在线咨询项目. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://onlinecounselingprograms.com/become-a-counselor/counseling-care..。;
  9.  “Counseling / the Benefits of School Counseling Services.” Counseling / 学校咨询的好处 Services. 于2021年11月23日发布. http://www.bcbe.org/Page/14433.&盼;



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